Visualize 2023
A vision board is a perfect way to set your goals, intentions, hopes, dreams, and resolutions for the new year…and you don’t need many materials! Let’s begin…
See what you have in your space!
1) You will need a flat surface to attach your photographs to such as a piece of cardboard from an old package, poster board, or piece of paper…to make it a little extra eco-friendly reuse an old poster board! You will not be able to see what is under your photos anyway.
2) Images! Use old magazines, news papers, or even print images offline if need be.
3) Scissors
4) Glue or glue stick
5)Anything else you may want to incorporate into your collage… it is your vision after all!
1.) Flip through old magazines or set aside photographs of things you would enjoy or would like to use to represent what you hope to manifest in the new year…
For example: if you want to travel more: find a photo of your ideal vacation spot! If you want to be more healthy: find some beautifully vibrant fruit and veggies, or sneakers to represent exercise! If you overall want to manifest more joy or focus on your hobbies, friends, and relationships find photos of people doing just that! ie: dancing, smiling, or having fun.
I also like to use color to capture the vibe I am hoping for the year ahead. For example: if you’d like more calm in your year choose cool colored images like blues or purples… if you want more passion or to embody a more bold energy go with reds or blacks! Whatever you like is good. This is the fun part! It all about you!
2.) Cut out your images and arrange them on your flat surface. Feel free to play with how you’d like them to overlap or collage your images together.
3.) Find words in the magazines you’d like to use to set intentions for the year and place those on top of your images!
4.) Finally, glue everything together and your vision board is complete! Find a place to hang in your space to help keep your goals front of mind this year.
If you’d like to take this project a step further feel free to write your goals or intentions for the year on the back, or even paint or decorate your board with glitter, buttons, pipe cleaners…anything that may look cool you have around the house!
Cheers to 2023!